Daily life in the fief
-A rural estate was composed by areas of arable land, pastures and forests.
-Economy was self-sufficient: they consumed what they produced.
-Demesne: land was exploited directly by the lord. Peasants pay services.
-Tenements: plots of land for rent and carring services.
-Lords lived in castles with walls of stone. Castle
keeps were square and served as lord´s place of
-Lords´ entertaiments were hunting and jousting.
-Women embroidered, singed and danced.
-Peasant´s houses were simple dwellings with only one room. It had a hearth where they cooked.
-Food was scarce.
Structure of monasteries
-Cloister: open courtyard surrounded by galleries.
-Church: where monks participated in the offices.
-Chapter-house: for meetings.
-Refectory: dining room where the monks ate.
-Dormitory: large room with individual beds.
-Scriptorium: where the monks studied, read, copied and ilustrated sacred manuscripts.
-Guest quarters: building for pilgrims and other travellers.
-Arable land: land for growing crops.
2016(e)ko ekainaren 14(a), asteartea
2016(e)ko ekainaren 6(a), astelehena
2016(e)ko ekainaren 1(a), asteazkena
2016(e)ko otsailaren 29(a), astelehena
Argudiozko testua
Argudiozko testoa
Nire uztez talde lana egitea onuragarria da eta efizienteagoa da.
Nire lagunentzat talde lana egitean lagunen artean liskarrak sortzen dira,baina errealitatean elkar ezagutu eta lagunak egin daitezke.Adibidez nire arreba klase klase berri batera joan zen eta talde batean zartu zen, eta horain lagun azko ditu.
Nire uztez talde lana egitea onuragarria da eta efizienteagoa da.
Nire lagunentzat talde lana egitean lagunen artean liskarrak sortzen dira,baina errealitatean elkar ezagutu eta lagunak egin daitezke.Adibidez nire arreba klase klase berri batera joan zen eta talde batean zartu zen, eta horain lagun azko ditu.
Gazteen bideoa daukazue hemen ikusteko link honetan zartu.
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