Daily life in the fief
-A rural estate was composed by areas of arable land, pastures and forests.
-Economy was self-sufficient: they consumed what they produced.
-Demesne: land was exploited directly by the lord. Peasants pay services.
-Tenements: plots of land for rent and carring services.
-Lords lived in castles with walls of stone. Castle
keeps were square and served as lord´s place of
-Lords´ entertaiments were hunting and jousting.
-Women embroidered, singed and danced.
-Peasant´s houses were simple dwellings with only one room. It had a hearth where they cooked.
-Food was scarce.
Structure of monasteries
-Cloister: open courtyard surrounded by galleries.
-Church: where monks participated in the offices.
-Chapter-house: for meetings.
-Refectory: dining room where the monks ate.
-Dormitory: large room with individual beds.
-Scriptorium: where the monks studied, read, copied and ilustrated sacred manuscripts.
-Guest quarters: building for pilgrims and other travellers.
-Arable land: land for growing crops.
Ondo Leo!
ErantzunEzabatuOso ondo dago
ErantzunEzabatuOso ondo dago